No one will save us, but us; we are the ones we've been waiting for.
There is a song that many may remember from childhood.
"She'll be comin' 'roun' the mountain, when she comes.
She'll be comin' 'roun' the mountain, when she comes.
She'll be comin' 'roun' the mountain; she'll be comin' 'roun' the mountain.
She'll be comin' 'roun' the mountain, when she comes.
She'll be riding six white horses, when she comes.
She'll be riding six white horses, when she comes.
She'll be riding six white horses; she'll be riding six white horses.
She'll be riding six white horses, when she comes.
The actual meaning and the origin of the song varies depending on ethnicity, religion, and culture. The explanations range from most devout to most vile. The founders of this organization grew up imagining a strong and powerful woman, who has been through a mountain of trials and tribulations, but has faced each one head on, growing into a confident, independent, self-actualized individual, now returning from her journey of self-discovery on the six white horses that have carried her on this journey. Across many cultures, the white horse symbolizes freedom, courage, strength, power, hope, grace, spiritual awakening, growth, renewal, transformation, and victory over oppressors.
At Six White Horses, Inc., we envision communities that have been marginalized and devalued along racial, ethnic, and socio-economic lines, achieving and experiencing all that the white horse symbolizes, six-fold. We envision communities embracing the six white horses that will bring growth, development, vitality, and expansion, for the good of the community, to fruition.